
CDCB delivers the latest news on genetic improvement, research and U.S. evaluations through its monthly newsletter, dairy media, and events.

Constructed ID’s: Eliminating Pedigree Dead Ends

Lillian Bacheller and José Carrillo and Ezequiel Nicolazzi and George Wiggans

February 1, 2023

Knowing an animal’s ancestry several generations back is certainly the goal for breeders; however, there are instances where animals have a gap in their pedigree. To fill in more pedigree gaps, CDCB is implementing a new solution starting in February 2023.

Connecting With João Dürr

João Dürr, Ph.D.

November 3, 2022

João Dürr reviewed the past year and described the CDCB vision in the CEO Column from the 2022 Activity Report.

Invited review: The future of selection decisions and breeding programs: What are we breeding for, and who decides?

João Dürr, Ph.D.

April 12, 2022

6 Million Genotypes!

José Carrillo

February 20, 2022

The national cooperator database hit a new mark on February 19, 2022, with six million genotypes recorded.

Connecting with João Dürr

João Dürr, Ph.D.

January 6, 2022

To start the new year, CEO João Dürr previews CDCB goals and expectations for 2022.

August 2017: Changes to Evaluation System

Jay Megonigal and Paul VanRaden and Jan Wright

August 1, 2017

Genetic evaluations of males and genomic predictions of both sexes are now provided for gestation length (GL) as a new trait expressed in days.

April 2017: Changes to Evaluation System

Paul VanRaden and Tom Lawlor

April 1, 2017

Cow livability (LIV) was introduced as a new trait in August 2016 and is now included in lifetime net merit dollars (NM$). Cows that die are assumed to generate $1,200 less income than those sold for beef.

December 2016: Changes to Evaluation System

Paul VanRaden and Jan Wright

December 1, 2016

Conformation trait evaluations for Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Ayrshires, Guernseys, and Milking Shorthorn were revised in several ways. T

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