On Monday, May 23, 2022, CDCB launched the new WebConnect platform – providing all the data you’ve counted on from CDCB – and more data, with more customization and user-friendly formats.
What is WebConnect?
The new WebConnect is an “overhaul” of the platform that provides the animal data, queries, statistics, trends and files used by dairy producers and industry cooperators. WebConnect will replace the legacy CDCB query system.
How do I access WebConnect?
Click on the link to WebConnect at www.uscdcb.com. Public access is available for all reports and statistics, as well as animal pedigree information and evaluation results (provided the animal is in the CDCB database).
What’s the transition plan?
Our transition plan is designed with the goal for a seamless and improved experience to all users, with minimal disruptions to access this important data.
The legacy CDCB queries will continue to be available until September 28, running in parallel with the new WebConnect. Users will be able to access both systems and perform normal tasks on both systems to ensure a seamless transition and time to learn WebConnect.
How is WebConnect different?
In creating WebConnect, our goals included:
Most users will notice revised query formats, which are more structured and better organized, so information is easier to locate and digest. Users frequently look up genetic information on animals – often to review the list of the top A.I. bulls, check evaluation results for females in their herd, or see if they have females on the elite list.
Other major improvements are easier and faster data transfer and better web access. We believe users will find the query presentations more functional and appealing, with more flexibility to download information.
WebConnect also enables more individualized reports. One CDCB activity has been to produce reports that document changes in the U.S. dairy industry based on information collected through Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) – referred to as the DHI annual reports. With WebConnect, users can calculate and view additional information not previously provided. One example is to run breed summaries where previous summaries were across all breeds.
Where do I go for questions?
Public Users: Email questions to webconnect_support@uscdcb.com and a CDCB team member will respond.
Redmine Users: Users with a registered Redmine account should log in to Redmine, create a ticket in “Collaborator Portal” or “WebConnect (Production)”. All tickets will be tracked and/or assigned to the appropriate CDCB team member. For immediate answers, please consult documentation about WebConnect located in Redmine under “WebConnect (Production)” and in the “Wiki” tab.
Please work in the new WebConnect system to explore the new-and-improved features and become familiar as it will be the only CDCB query platform in the future. We hope it exceeds your expectations and welcome your feedback.