U.S. dairy was well-represented at the 2022 ICAR-INTERBULL meeting in Montreal, Canada, from May 30 through June 3, with several invited presenters and award recipients.
Attendees included:
CDCB Presentations during Interbull Meeting
With the overall Interbull meeting theme of “Innovations in national and international genetic and genomic evaluations,” researchers were invited to submit abstracts that specifically address big data, meta-analytical methods, experience with single-step evaluations, new trait implementation, cross-breed evaluations and adaptation to sustainability, efficiency or methane emission.
CDCB research was featured in five presentations during the Interbull Scientific Programme.
João Dürr presented Considerations in using quantitative measurements of milking speed for genetic evaluations for all dairy breeds in the USA, summarizing findings of the CDCB Milking Speed Task Force (João Dürr, Robert Fourdraine, Steven Sievert, Kristen Gaddis, Jeffrey Bewley, Sophie Eaglen, Jay Weiker, Jana Hutchison, and Asha Miles). João also described Genetic gains in lifetime merit indexes during the use of three genetic evaluation methods, work in collaboration with H. Duane Norman of CDCB and Fiona Guinan of University of Wisconsin-Madison.
José Carrillo presented Adding and reporting genomically discovered ancestors in US evaluations on behalf of collaborators Rodrigo Mota, George Wiggans and Lillian Bacheller of CDCB and Gary Fok, Dan Null, Emmanuella Ogwo and Paul VanRaden of USDA AGIL.
George Wiggans presented Detecting relationships among genotypes in a rapidly growing collection, collaborative work with Gerald Jansen, Lillian Bacheller, and José Carrillo
Xiaolin “Nick” Wu presented An exponential regression model to estimate daily milk yields in dairy cows, work with George Wiggans, H. Duane Norman, Javier Burchard and João Dürr of CDCB, and Asha Miles, Curtis Van Tassell, and Ransom Baldwin of USDA AGIL.
Ignacy Misztal of University of Georgia shared, Single-step genetic evaluation using the CDCB data, on behalf of D. Lourenco, S. Tsuruta and, M. Bermann at UGA, A. Cesarani at University of Sassari, A. Legarra at INRA, Ezequiel Nicolazzi of CDCB and Paul VanRaden of USDA AGIL.
U.S. Leaders Recognized
Robert Fourdraine of Dairy Records Management System (right) received the 2022 ICAR Presidents Award at the recent meeting in Montreal.
Jay Mattison (center) of National Dairy Herd Information Association was recognized for tremendous service to ICAR. Jay served on the ICAR Board from 2006 to 2021, and as Board President from 2017 to 2021.
João Dürr, CDCB CEO, was elected Vice President of the ICAR Board.
Photo caption: Xiaolin “Nick” Wu, CDCB Product Development Manager, presented recent research results, An exponential regression model to estimate daily milk yields in dairy cows.