National Cooperator Dairy Database Workshop

August 22-24, 2023

Event Details

Companies and individuals involved in the collection, evaluation and distribution of data into and from the National Cooperator Database are invited to a workshop addressing current opportunities and challenges. The emphasis will be understanding the collaborative roles while addressing data quality, data flow and potential new data streams into the National Cooperator Database. This workshop replaces the annual genomic nominator and lab workshop for 2023, so those routine attendees are encouraged to join us in Chicago in August.

This event is by invitation only.

Location: Hyatt Rosemont near O’Hare, 6350 N River Road, Rosemont, IL

Hotel reservations by July 24 to receive discounted rate of $139 in CDCB block. Click here to book.

Schedule & Agenda

Planning Committee

Angela Coburn, Dairy Records Management Systems

Sophie Eaglen, National Association of Animal Breeders  

Emily Piper, Zoetis

Leslie Thoman, National DHI

Jay Weiker, National Association of Animal Breeders  

Lindsey Worden, Holstein Association USA

Amy te Plate-Church, Look East

José Carrillo, CDCB

João Dürr, CDCB

Katie Schmitt, CDCB