2023 CDCB Industry Meeting

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | 7:30-11:30 AM CST | World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wis.

Photo by Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Event Summary

The 9th annual CDCB Industry Meeting was held October 4, 2023, at World Dairy Expo. More than 150 dairy industry representatives and producers filled the seats in The Tanbark, the meeting’s new venue for 2023, and an additional 250+ watched via livestream.

The program was built around the theme, “A Decade of CDCB: Genetic Advancement Through Pre-Competitive Collaboration.”

For More Information

For more information contact Katie Schmitt, CDCB Outreach Specialist

Event References

Impact of the National Cooperator
Database on Dairy Cattle Genetic Progress

João Dürr, PhD, CDCB CEO

10th Anniversary Recognition

João Dürr, PhD, and Ole Meland, CDCB Chair 2013-14

Recap of National Cooperator Dairy
Database Workshop

Lindsey Worden, CDCB Chair

Panel Discussion: Undesirable Genetic
Factors and Genomics’ Role in Discovery

Neal Smith; Spencer Hackett; Matt McClure, PhD; J.R. Tait, Jr., PhD; Paul VanRaden, PhD; and George Wiggans, PhD

USDA AGIL Research Update

Asha Miles, PhD, USDA Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory

CDCB Research Updates

Kristen Parker Gaddis, PhD, CDCB

Sustainability Metrics in the International Dairy Community

Robert Fourdraine, PhD, Dairy Records
Management Systems

Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions
from Dairy Cattle

Francisco Peñagaricano, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Closing Comments

João Dürr, PhD, CDCB CEO

Media Coverage

What’s ahead for genetic selection?

October 19, 2023

By Katie Schmitt, for Hoard’s Dairyman

Report your genetic abnormalities

October 12, 2023

By Katelyn Allen, for Hoard’s Dairyman

Looking to the future of genetic collaboration

October 23, 2023

By Katelyn Allen, for Hoard’s Dairyman

Marking a decade of genetic gain with CDCB

September 11, 2023

By Katie Schmitt, for Hoard’s Dairyman

Event Photos

Speakers at the 2023 CDCB Industry meeting Front row (left to right): Genetic conditions panelists Matt McClure, Spencer Hackett, Paul VanRaden, George Wiggans, and J.R. Tait, Jr. Back row (left to right): Neal Smith, Francisco Peñagaricano, Robert Fourdraine, Asha Miles, Kristen Parker Gaddis, Katie Schmitt, Lindsey Worden, João Dürr
Speakers at the 2023 CDCB Industry meeting Front row (left to right): Genetic conditions panelists Matt McClure, Spencer Hackett, Paul VanRaden, George Wiggans, and J.R. Tait, Jr. Back row (left to right): Neal Smith, Francisco Peñagaricano, Robert Fourdraine, Asha Miles, Kristen Parker Gaddis, Katie Schmitt, Lindsey Worden, João Dürr

Ole Meland (middle) was CDCB Chair in 2013-14, when more than 75 individuals from A.I. organizations, milk recording, dairy records processing and breed associations collaborated through the CDCB Board and various committees and working groups to provide direction and functional support as the genetic services transitioned from USDA to CDCB.
Ole Meland (middle) was CDCB Chair in 2013-14, when more than 75 individuals from A.I. organizations, milk recording, dairy records processing and breed associations collaborated through the CDCB Board and various committees and working groups to provide direction and functional support as the genetic services transitioned from USDA to CDCB.
Eddie Ormonde of VAS (middle) was recognized by João Dürr and Lindsey Worden for his service on the CDCB Board of Directors.
Eddie Ormonde of VAS (middle) was recognized by João Dürr and Lindsey Worden for his service on the CDCB Board of Directors.

Featured Speakers

Dr. Asha Miles joined USDA AGIL in March 2021 and quickly embraced the role for research and development of genetic applications that can future improve dairy cattle and farm livelihood. Dr. Miles’ research and academic background spans biotechnology, molecular genetics, immunology, epidemiology, and microbiome science. Her goals as a researcher are to apply these skills in an integrated approach to understand animal health and production, and to translate these findings into innovative interventions which can be applied on farm.

USDA AGIL Research Updates

At CDCB since 2016, Dr. Parker Gaddis has led incorporation of cow health records into the CDCB database, implementation of disease resistance evaluations for Holsteins and Jerseys, and development of the Feed Saved trait. An author or co-author of several published papers, Kristen frequently speaks at global conferences. Her PhD research at North Carolina State University focused on utilization of producer-recorded cow health information to improve understanding of the genetics behind disease resistance, analysis of health data, and estimation of traditional and genomic breeding values for common health traits. Kristen conducted Postdoctoral research at University of Florida and USDA AGIL.

CDCB Research Updates

Francisco Peñagaricano is originally from Uruguay, where he earned his BS (2005) in Biology and Biochemistry and his MS (2010) in Animal Science, all from Universidad de la República. He continued his graduate studies at the University of Wisconsin where he earned his MS (2014) in Statistics and Ph.D. (2014) in Animal Science. Before joining UW, Francisco was a faculty member (2015-2020) in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida. 

His research interests are in quantitative genomics and computational biology. His research program focuses on the development and application of methods to dissect the genetic architecture of economically relevant traits in livestock. He typically combines large, nationwide phenotypic datasets or field experiments, with high–throughput genomic technologies, and advanced statistical and computational methods in order to elucidate the connection between genome and phenotype. His research involves gene mapping, gene-set analysis, genomic prediction, methylome and transcriptome analysis, multi-omics data integration, and network modeling. 

Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy Cattle

Sustainability Metrics in the International Dairy Community

Recap of National Cooperator Dairy Database Workshop


A Decade of CDCB: Genetic Advancement Through Pre-Competitive Collaboration

7:30 to 8:00 a.m.

Doors open and hospitality

8:00 a.m.


Lindsey Worden, CDCB Chair

8:05 a.m.

Impact of the National Cooperator Database on Dairy Cattle Genetic Progress

João Dürr, PhD, CDCB CEO

8:35 a.m.

10th Anniversary Recognition

João Dürr, PhD, CDCB CEO

8:40 a.m.

Recap of National Cooperator Dairy Database Workshop

Lindsey Worden, CDCB Chair

8:55 a.m.

Undesirable Genetic Factors and Genomics’ Role in Discovery

Panel moderated by Neal Smith, American Jersey Cattle Association

10:00 a.m.

CDCB Research Updates

Kristen Gaddis, PhD, CDCB Geneticist

10:20 a.m.

USDA AGIL Research Updates

Asha Miles, PhD, USDA AGIL

10:45 a.m.

Sustainability Metrics in the International Dairy Community

Robert Fourdraine, PhD, Dairy Records Management System

11:05 a.m.

Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy Cattle

Francisco Peñagaricano, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison

11:25 a.m.

Closing Comments & Adjourn

João Dürr, PhD, CDCB CEO

Interested in future CDCB events?

CDCB hosts a variety of online and in-person events to share research, new developments and application of dairy genetic evaluations.

Dairy genetics on your event agenda?

CDCB experts can share information on genetic improvement, genomic impact, research and developments, and progress around feed efficiency, health, fertility and other important traits.