Xiao-Lin (Nick) Wu is product development manager at CDCB, with primary role to evaluate existing tools and develop new statistical methods and products beneficial to U.S. dairy. He holds an adjunct faculty position as associate professor in animal science at University of Wisconsin-Madison (UWM). Previously, Dr. Wu was computational scientist at UWM, a principal scientist at Bayer CropScience, and director of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at Neogen GeneSeek. He has advanced education in China and Denmark and research experience in China, South Korea, and the U.S. His post-doc experiences were at multiple universities, including Iowa State, Washington State, University of Idaho, and UWM. Dr. Wu has published over 120 peer-reviewed papers and 5 books and book chapters. His research in the past 20 years has covered several major fields in molecular genetics, quantitative genetics and genomics, and bioinformatics.
Cost-effective milking plans have been adapted to supplement the standard supervised twice-daily monthly testing scheme since the 1960s.
Journal of Dairy Science, 2021
Frontiers in Genetics, 2020
PLoS One, 2020
Frontiers in Genetics, 2020
Animal Genetics, 2020
Animal Genetics, 2020
Animal Genetics, 2020