CDCB Committees

Dairy producers, industry professionals and scientists provide input to develop and implement CDCB services and genetic evaluations.

Producer Advisory Committee (PAC)

Dairy farmers appointed by the CDCB Board provide grassroots input for strategy, policy, future priorities and opportunities through this committee established in 2019.

In 2024, the committee grew from six to nine members, adding diversity in the herds and regions represented. Recent discussion topics have included sustainability metrics, female fertility traits, calving ease, mobility and more.

2024-25 Producer Advisory Committee. Front row (L to R): Tom Kestell, Spencer Hackett, Kent Buttars, and Mack Drees. Back row: Guy Vogel, David Lawrence, Greg Andersen, and Matt Hendel.

PAC Members

Greg Andersen
American Falls, ID

Kent Buttars
Lewiston, UT

Mack Drees
Peshtigo, WI

Spencer Hackett
Rice, MN

Matt Hendel
Caledonia, MN

Tom Kestell
Waldo, WI

David Lawrence
Muleshoe, TX

Guy Vogel
Reedsville, WI

Dairy Evaluation Review Team (DERT)

Before the triannual releases in April, August and December, an independent validation process is conducted by genetic industry leaders through objective and confidential early reviews of results. This improves evaluation accuracy by identifying potential issues before public release.

DERT Members

Sam Comstock

Holstein Association USA

Tom Lawlor

Holstein Association USA

Mehdi Sargolzaei

Select Sires, Inc.

Ryan Starkenburg

ABS Global, Inc.

Bob Welper

PEAK Genetics

Genetic Evaluation Methods Group (GEM)

The GEM group provides independent counsel, impartial advice and strategic guidance to CDCB and USDA AGIL staff as they develop dairy genetic evaluations.

GEM Members

Christian Maltecca, Chair

North Carolina State University

Tom Lawlor

Holstein Association USA

Daniela Lourenco

University of Georgia

Ezequiel Nicolazzi

Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Ryan Starkenburg

ABS Global

Robert Tempelman

Michigan State University

Paul VanRaden


Kent Weigel

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Evaluation Frequency Task Force (EFTF)

EFTF was convened to prepare a cost-benefit analysis of increasing the frequency of full genetic evaluations and to develop an implementation strategy (if current frequency is modified).

EFTF Members

Chuck Sattler, Chair

Select Sires, Inc.

Angie Coburn

Dairy Records Management Systems

João Dürr

Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Tom Lawlor

Holstein Association USA

Ezequiel Nicolazzi

Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Steven Sievert

National Dairy Herd Information Association

Neal Smith

American Jersey Cattle Association

Steven Smith


Andy Stiefel

ABS Global

Paul VanRaden


Milking Speed Evaluation Task Force

The MS-TF was appointed to review the potential for implementing genetic evaluations for milking speed in all dairy breeds and make recommendations to ensure data flow, data quality and publication standards.

Milking Speed Evaluation Task Force

Asha Miles, Chair

USDA Animal Genomics Improvement

Jeffrey Bewley

Holstein Association USA

João Dürr

Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Sophie Eaglen

National Association of Animal Breeders

Robert Fourdraine

Dairy Records Management Systems

Kristen Gaddis

Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Steven Sievert

National Dairy Herd Information Association