
CDCB delivers the latest news on genetic improvement, research and U.S. evaluations through its monthly newsletter, dairy media, and events.

August 2024 Changes: Impact on Evaluations

Ezequiel Nicolazzi

August 13, 2024

In the August 2024 evaluations, implemented changes had effects on all yield traits (Milk, Fat and Protein) and Heifer Livability, along with correlated traits of Productive Life and Cow Livability in some cases. Breed Base Representation (BBR) values were updated, with the annual reference population update and introduction of a revised SNP list.

April 2022: Changes to Evaluation System

Ezequiel Nicolazzi

April 4, 2022

Three times a year, genetic evaluations are calculated for all the dairy animals in the U.S. database.

December 2021: Changes to Evaluation System

Kristen Parker Gaddis and Paul VanRaden

December 1, 2021

Genetic evaluations for Residual Feed Intake (RFI) were improved using variance adjustments and a higher estimated heritability. The RFI records are now adjusted to have equal variance across herds and across first versus later parities.

August 2021: Changes to Evaluation System

Mahesh Neupane and Kristen Parker Gaddis and Paul VanRaden and Rob Tempelman

August 1, 2021

The new Lifetime Net Merit (NM$) including Feed Saved (FSAV), Heifer Livability (HLIV) and Early First Calving (EFC), along with a number of new parameters and assumptions, will be introduced in the August 2021 evaluation.

December 2020: Changes to Evaluation System

Kristen Parker Gaddis and Paul VanRaden

December 1, 2020

August 2020: Changes to Evaluation System

Ezequiel Nicolazzi and Paul VanRaden

August 1, 2020

December 2019: Changes to Evaluation System

Ezequiel Nicolazzi and Paul VanRaden and George Wiggans

December 1, 2019

August 2018: Changes to Evaluation System

Kristen Parker Gaddis and Paul VanRaden

August 1, 2018

The August 2018 NM$ update includes genetic evaluations for six new direct health traits first introduced in April 2018 for Holsteins: displaced abomasum, hypocalcemia (milk fever), ketosis, mastitis, metritis and retained placenta.

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