August 8, 2022
Genetic evaluations to strengthen resistance to six health disorders are available for Brown Swiss animals beginning August 9, 2022.
July 22, 2022
Beginning August 9, 2022, Brown Swiss animals will receive CDCB evaluations for disease resistance for six traits: milk fever (MFEV), displaced abomasum (DA), ketosis (KETO), mastitis (MAST), metritis (METR) and retained placenta (RETP).
June 14, 2022
Milk, fat and protein yields are the primary drivers of dairy farm revenues.
June 13, 2022
Genetic selection for improved hoof health is one opportunity to reduce lameness, which affects about 50% of dairy cows and results in economic losses, poor health and suboptimal animal welfare.
April 4, 2022
Three times a year, genetic evaluations are calculated for all the dairy animals in the U.S. database.
March 25, 2022
Every dairy herd manager is well-aware of the negative effects that lameness and impaired mobility have on the bottom line.
January 20, 2022
Determining the effectiveness of genetic evaluations for stillbirth in additional U.S. dairy breeds was the research focus for Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) intern Anil Sigdel in summer 2021.
December 6, 2021
One year ago, the trait Feed Saved made its debut in the December 2020 genetic evaluations published by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB).
A monthly newsletter, details genetic evaluation updates and industry news.