2024 CDCB Industry Meeting

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 | 7:30-11:30 AM CST | World Dairy Expo, Madison, Wis.

Photo by Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Event Summary

CDCB hosted its 10th annual Industry Meeting on October 2, 2024, in Madison, Wis. At World Dairy Expo, 155 dairy producers and industry representatives filled the seats in The Tanbark. Another 266 viewers joined the live stream, which has had 200 additional views within a week post-meeting.
The Integrated Value of the U.S. Genetic Evaluation System was the event theme, celebrating the century-long partnership of dairy producers and many organizations that collect and transmit cow data into the National Cooperator Database that fuels U.S. genetic evaluations.

For More Information

For more information contact Katie Schmitt, CDCB Industry Relations Manager

Event References

2024 CDCB Annual Report

João Dürr, Ph.D., CDCB CEO

USDA AGIL Research Updates

Asha Miles, Ph.D., USDA Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory

CDCB Research Updates

John Cole, Ph.D., CDCB Chief Research and Development Officer

Panel Discussion: Using Cow Data for Progress On and Off the Farm

Katie Schmitt, Matt Hendel, Skylar Gericke and Jordan Matthews

Understanding the Integrated Value of CDCB and Its Collaborators

Amy te Plate-Church, CDCB Communications

Media Coverage

Come see what genetic teamwork is all about

Sept. 23, 2024

By Katie Schmitt, CDCB Outreach Specialist

Event Photos



Featured Speakers

Dr. Asha Miles joined USDA AGIL in March 2021 and quickly embraced the role for research and development of genetic applications that can future improve dairy cattle and farm livelihood. Dr. Miles’ research and academic background spans biotechnology, molecular genetics, immunology, epidemiology, and microbiome science. Her goals as a researcher are to apply these skills in an integrated approach to understand animal health and production, and to translate these findings into innovative interventions which can be applied on farm.

USDA AGIL Research Updates

John joined CDCB in early 2024, following three years as Senior Vice President, Research and Development, for PEAK Genetics, and 17 years as Research Geneticist and Acting Research Leader at USDA AGIL. John has authored 150+ peer-reviewed articles, mentored many postdoctoral scientists and graduate students, and is a frequent speaker at industry and scientific meetings. He has been awarded the Jay L. Lush Award in Breeding and Genetics from American Dairy Science Association, the Distinguished Service Award from National Dairy Herd Information Association, and the National Association of Animal Breeders Peer Research Award. John holds a PhD in animal breeding and genetics from Louisiana State University.

CDCB Research Updates

João Dürr is currently in his 10th year of service as CDCB Chief Executive Officer. Before CDCB, João worked as the Executive Director of Interbull based in Sweden, Professor at Universidade de Passo Fundo in Brazil, and President of the Brazilian Council of Milk Quality (CBQL). A native of Brazil, João received his Bachelor’s degree in agriculture at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; followed by master’s and doctorate degrees from McGill University, Montreal, in animal breeding and genetics.

2024 CDCB Annual Report

Amy te Plate-Church has served CDCB with communication expertise and support since 2017, leveraging a variety of digital and media channels. Prior to joining the team of strategic advisors at Look East in 2015, she worked for nearly 20 years for a dairy and beef cattle breeding cooperative in roles including communications, marketing, product management, dairy herd service, and business development. Raised on a family dairy farm, Amy is an Iowa State alum with degrees in Dairy Science and Ag Journalism.

Understanding the Integrated Value of CDCB and Its Collaborators

Lindsey Worden has chaired the CDCB Board of Directors since April 2023. With 17 years of service at Holstein Association USA, Lindsey currently is Chief Operating Officer and will assume the Chief Executive Officer role on January 1, 2025. She also serves the dairy industry as a Director on the National Pedigreed Livestock Council and Councilor for the World Holstein Friesian Federation. Lindsey is a University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate raised on a Registered Holstein farm.



The Integrated Value of the U.S. Genetic Evaluation System

7:30 to 8:00 a.m.

Doors open and hospitality

8:00 a.m.


Lindsey Worden, CDCB Chair

8:05 a.m.

2024 CDCB Annual Report

João Dürr, Ph.D., CDCB CEO

8:30 a.m.

Understanding the Integrated Value of CDCB and Its Collaborators

Amy te Plate-Church, CDCB Communications

9:15 a.m.


9:45 a.m.

Producer Panel: Using Cow Data for Progress On and Off the Farm

Panel moderated by Katie Schmitt, CDCB Outreach Specialist

10:35 a.m.

USDA AGIL Research Updates

Asha Miles, Ph.D., USDA AGIL

11:00 a.m.

CDCB Research Updates

John B. Cole, Ph.D., CDCB Chief Research and Development Officer

11:25 a.m.

Closing Comments & Adjourn

João Dürr, PhD, CDCB CEO

Interested in future CDCB events?

CDCB hosts a variety of online and in-person events to share research, new developments and application of dairy genetic evaluations.

Dairy genetics on your event agenda?

CDCB experts can share information on genetic improvement, genomic impact, research and developments, and progress around feed efficiency, health, fertility and other important traits.